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عن المدونة

الخميس، 28 يوليو 2011

Is It Laziness That’s Holding You Back?

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, , trafficspamme, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

Is It Laziness That’s Holding You Back?
If you have always wanted to run your own business (or even expand the one you have) but you haven’t yet made it happen, then maybe you are just too lazy to succeed. Or maybe you just haven’t found the information you need to make it happen because you haven’t got yourself organised.
Here are three tips you can use to finally kick start your journey on the road to success in your business ambitions.

1. Have a Plan
I’m not talking here about a “business plan” (I’ve written a lot about these – see below) but about a personal “action plan”.
The whole point of having an action plan is to provide you with a road map of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly actions that will be needed in order to bring your project to fruition.
Get yourself a time planner and keep it with you at all times. Update it regularly, consult it daily, and whenever you get an idea or see some piece of information that might be of use to you, write it down so you won’t forget. Indeed that’s the key – write everything down. We are all busy and so anything that helps keep us on track is invaluable in helping us achieve our goals.
But do be realistic. There is no point in having a plan that you can never achieve. So if you are working full time or are otherwise tied up for most of the week, plan to only accomplish what you actually have time for. Don’t go too easy on yourself, but at the same time keep your plan reasonable so you do not become overwhelmed.
Don’t forget the old adage “No-one plans to fail, they only fail to plan”.
2. Write Down and Keep Your Goals in Front of You
Write down what you are trying to accomplish today, this week and in the next month. Post it where you will see it. Perhaps on the office wall or even the fridge door. Reading your goals every day will help keep your vision and your intention to reach your goals alive.
In order to become successful, you need to change your current behaviour to accommodate the behaviour necessary to succeed. Change for humans is no easy task. Writing down your goals and saying them out loud several times a day works like a mantra and keeps your goal at the front of your mind until your goal becomes your reality.
Keep your mantra positive, always use words like “I will” or “I am”. Never use words like “maybe” or “I think I can”. You can and you will meet your goals, claim it.
3. Just Go For It
Everyone has fear, accept it and walk through it. How? By working your plan and repeating your success mantra. Yes, it really is that simple. Are you ready to finally succeed? Just go for it.

Did Murdoch Always Plan to Close the News of the World?

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, , trafficspamme, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

Did Murdoch Always Plan to Close the News of the World?
Anyone with even a passing interest in the relationship between politician and newspaper publishers has knows for many months that it was only a matter of time before the inept cover up of the illegal practices carried on by, or on behalf of, the News of the World would unravel. So it has proven this week as the public, politicians and advertisers have expressed their disgust at the “hacking” of the mobile phones of a murder victim, the families of terrorist victims, and of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The fact too that the News of The World paid Police officers for sensitive information can also hardly be a surprise. After all former editors Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks (nee Wade) admitted as much to the Press Complaints Commission and to a Committee of MPs a long time ago. Coulson said that the payments were “within the law” but leaving aside such “minor” matters as the Data Protection Act and anti Money Laundering laws, there has been a law in England and Wales for over 100 years making it a criminal offence to pay a Police Officer for information or services and indeed for an officer to accept any such payment. Why did no-one take action when these admissions were made?
Well possibly because everyone knows that this has been going on and not just in the Metropolitan Police. The fact is that virtually every local, regional or national journalist gets information from police contacts on a regular basis. These might be on a “quid pro quo” basis or for the price of a drink – but when you see, as I did recently on a fictional TV cop drama, a detective commenting that he wasn’t surprised that the local press had information that should only be known to the Police as everyone knew that £50 would buy you all the info you needed.
Anyway, I’m not going to spend more time on this aspect of the sorry affair apart from saying that no-one should be naïve enough to think that the News of the World is the only newspaper to have acted in this way.
The fact is that Rupert and James Murdoch are not stupid. Neither are Rebekah Brooks/Wade and Andy Coulson. Indeed there are many others high up in the News International corporate structure who are also far from stupid, so it is hard to accept that they didn’t know what was going on – and even if they didn’t know they should have known. Admiral Lord Nelson may have been a hero for turning his blind eye and saying “I see no ships” but that isn’t acceptable in modern corporate governance terms.
The recently introduced Bribery Act – which came into effect on the 1st of this month – holds directors legally liable for illegal payments made on behalf of their company even if they have not authorised it or even if they know nothing about it. Their defence is to have a policy in place which is explained to all their staff, subcontractors and suppliers, and which can be monitored.
The Bribery Act has been a long time in the making and an even longer time in being implemented, but for many months everyone has known that it was coming into full effect on 1st July 2011. (I’ve written about it often enough myself – see below.) That together with the rapid unravelling of the cover up must have been enough to exercise the minds of Murdoch (Per et Fils) not to mention their professional advisors.
Then there is a third consideration to add to the mix. Frankly running a newspaper for 6 days of the week (Monday to Saturday) and another for Sunday is needlessly expensive. There cannot be a newspaper publisher who doesn’t dream of being able to merge the two operations into one and save on staff costs and overheads. There is indeed evidence that Murdoch has been looking to merge the News of the World and the Sun for some time.
The problem for publishers is that the trade unions have long resisted the mergers of two distinct titles. Remember the News of the World was a stand-alone Sunday which Rupert Murdoch bought long before he bought the “weekday” Sun.
Now Murdoch has never been afraid of taking on the print unions and indeed he was largely responsible for breaking the power of the print unions, and their outmoded working practices, and taking “Fleet Street” east to Wapping and beyond. However, what has proven much more difficult for him to deal with are the employment laws. He might have been able to work with Mrs Thatcher in breaking the power of the unions to strike at will, but he wasn’t able to stop her from introducing and strengthening laws to protect the rights of law abiding workers. You simply cannot sack them at will or make them redundant without going through proper procedures. Neither should you.
Of course, if a business or company closes down unexpectedly, such as going bankrupt, then there isn’t much that the employer can do by way of consultation and if they can’t pay the legal minimum redundancy then the taxpayer picks up the bill. But the News of the World was far from being bankrupt. Indeed, it was probably the most profitable newspaper in Britain and so if News International wanted to merge it with the Sun to save costs and reduce staff then it would have to have gone through a fairly lengthy consultation process to identify staff to be made redundant, to help them find new jobs by paying for retraining or employing HR experts to help them. A costly exercise.
But what if the News of the World had to close unexpectedly? What if its advertisers deserted it? What if the public decided to punish it by not buying it? Could the News of the World survive? Wouldn’t it be better to close it down and have done with it? And if that saved you a lot of time and money, so much the better. Or am I just being a cynic when I ask whether or not what we are now seeing is simply the disaster plan of Rupert and James Murdoch?

I Love You Norway

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"I Love You" by 
Jeg sender kjærlighet til Norge ... Sending love to Norway ... thank you for the translation, Pia ♥

Please send love from your heart to the people of Norway. Studies have shown that thoughts wrapped in love really do heal. Every person can help.

First, imagine a cord or root at your tailbone that sends any negative energy you carry to the Earth’s centre, where it can be healed. Send all energy that is not yours down the cord into the Earth. This is called grounding.

Fill your space with the divine (or universal) energy as you imagine it pouring through the top of your head. See shining, beautiful light throughout your being and know that you are one with this infinite power.
Focus on your heart chakra, located on your breastbone a little above nipple level in the center of your chest. This is where you will send the divine/universal energy from.

Remember someone you love: a family member, child, friend or pet. Or focus on an occasion when you opened to love. The goal is to get a feeling of love going in your heart and to raise your frequency to a higher level.

Once you feel it, send the energy: visualize it as a stream and imagine it flowing effortlessly from your heart chakra to your intended recipient. You might see green, blue, and/or purple.

If you are having trouble visualizing the energy flowing out of your heart chakra, imagine there is a fire hydrant there and one of the caps has been opened. The water in a hydrant sprays out without effort since it is under pressure. Imagine the energy in your heart overflowing and spraying out in this manner.

Physical distance doesn’t matter. When disasters happen oceans away, we tend to feel helpless but we are not. Love is power!

Is Sir Paul Stephenson Guilty of Money Laundering or Tax Evasion?

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, , trafficspamme, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

Is Sir Paul Stephenson Guilty of Money Laundering or Tax Evasion?  Before I continue let me make it clear that the above is not an accusation but a genuine question, and one which I think needs to be answered urgently.
By now there can be few people who have not heard that Sir Paul Stephenson, the Commissioner of London’s Metropolitan Police force, resigned last night. In his resignation statement Sir Paul said that it was just co-incidence that the man he employed as his £1,000 a day PR advisor (“spin doctor”) was also PR advisor to Champneys, the luxury chain of health spa’s where Sir Paul and Lady Stephenson enjoyed a free five week stay whilst Sir Paul was recovering from major surgery.
Everyone seems to be concentrating on the fact that the said spin doctor (why did Sir Paul even need one?) was one Neil Wallis, former Deputy Editor of the News of the World under Andy Coulson. Wallis was arrested by the Police on Friday as part of the new enquiry into the illegal practices, including phone hacking and blagging, which now appear to have been endemic at the News of the World, and possibly elsewhere.
But there are other questions which so far seem to have been overlooked.
In his resignation statement Sir Paul insisted there had been “no impropriety” about his stay while he recovered from having a benign tumour removed from his leg. I understand that he did record the matter in the Metropolitan Police’s Gift and Hospitality Register. But is that enough? Did he pay tax on the “gift”, indeed should he have paid tax on the £12,000 it is reported was the value of the stay (part of the costs, we are told, was paid for by the Metropolitan Police medical insurance) – did he even consider that he might need to do so?
Of course a lot will depend on how this gift was accounted for by Champneys. Unless the £12,000 was paid to Champneys by Stephen Purdew “a personal friend of Sir Paul” then the gift will have come from the company which owns Champneys. Now Stephen Purdew is referred to as “the owner of Champneys” but there are other shareholders who may not take kindly to their Managing Director, the said Stephen Purdew, giving away their money to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
Even if Mr Purdew was the 100% owner of Champneys the fact is that the company and its assets, including cash in the bank, are not his to give away at will. This is something that most accountants with clients who own all or most of a company spend time trying to explain. You might own the company but you don’t own its assets. For example, you cannot treat the company bank account as if it were your own. Neither can you use or allow others to use company property or services without proper approval by the board or, in some cases shareholders, and without accounting for this in your accounts and tax returns.
It was his failure to follow these rules which resulted in Conrad Black being sent to jail. He was accused of using company assets for his own personal use.
So unless Stephen Purdew paid the £12,000 to Champneys out of his own taxed income he will need to have accounted for the “gift” somewhere in the company accounts. Such a gift would not be allowed as a proper business expense and so in effect it would be taxable both for Corporation Tax and Value Added Tax (between them adding something like another £5,000 cost to Champneys).
Mind you this pales to insignificance when you consider the past history of Champneys. What is true is that Purdew and his mother control, but don’t totally own, a complex and opaque group of companies most of which appear to be loss making. A few years ago there was a major row when Purdew told the holders of preference shares that there was no money to pay them a dividend. Many of these shareholders were well known celebrities who probably could afford to forego dividends but it begs the question of how, when Champneys claims to be loss making, Purdew appears on the Sunday Times Rich List and Champneys have a multi million pound balance sheet. Presumably somewhere in the group there is a profit being made but perhaps not in the subsidiaries which have external shareholders.
If Purdew hasn’t accounted for this “gift” correctly then there could be charges of tax avoidance and money laundering. Even if Sir Paul Stephenson doesn’t know where the money came from he should be aware that the requirements of UK anti-money laundering legislation – not to mention the Bribery Act which came into effect on the first of this month and which has long been heralded – make it clear that he should make himself aware of such matters.
It isn’t enough to just list the gift in the relevant register and think that’s the end of it. Actually Sir Paul seems to have forgotten that the whole purpose of having these registers is to ensure that proper investigation into gifts and expense claims can be carried out and that the public can take a view as to whether they approve. Listing a gift – even if it “within the rules” – doesn’t mean that it is approved of. This was the point that seems to have eluded Members of Parliament who bleated “we didn’t break any rules” when their expense claims were published. If senior officers at the Metropolitan Police don’t see that then it isn’t surprising the investigation into MPs expenses resulted in very few – mainly those who forged receipts – being charged.
Even if everything was done correctly, approval sought and tax accounted for, there remains the question of whether it was acceptable or not for the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to accept such a gift no matter who it came from. The fact that he and his employers thought there was “no impropriety” in him accepting it does not mean that the public would agree. Sir Paul is not poorly paid and the Metropolitan Police insurance, whilst not running to Champneys, would have provided him with more than acceptable rehabilitation.
I have always found it strange that people who hold positions like Sir Paul, as well as MPs and the like, seem to think that there is one law for them and one for the rest of us.
For example, until recently MPs were allowed to charge expenses without producing receipts. Try doing that on your own expense claim and see how far it gets you. OK, there are a few things you can claim without receipts, such as parking meter costs but you aren’t going to make a bundle on that even if you claim to have parked in central London all day. But the fact is that “no receipt – no payment” is the situation unless you are one of the “ruling class” to whom normal rules seem not to apply.
This laissez faire attitude doesn’t permeate the whole of government or the civil service. When I was a local authority councillor a few years ago I had to account for every penny I claimed in expenses. I once made a claim for travel to a meeting which was 2 miles longer than the “approved route”. This was picked up and I pointed out that there was a diversion because of road works and my claim was paid including the extra 80 pence for the diversion. I wonder what it cost in time, phone calls and salary, for the council bean counter to query my claim.
One nice summer evening a friend and I drove out to a country pub. As I walked into the bar I spotted two mid-ranking council officers. I said hello and whilst ordering my drinks asked them if they wanted something – as you do. They said that council policy said they couldn’t accept gifts, even including a friendly pint, as doing so could be construed as a bribe. Ah well, saved me the price of a couple of pints.
The reason for the council policy was simply to ensure than even if there was no impropriety there could be no impression or question of impropriety. That is the point that Sir Paul Stephenson and others like him seem to have ignored.

الاعلام الاسرائيلى اللى عايز قطع لغلوغه : كيف يرى موضوع القبض على الجاسوس الاسرائيلى

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

الاعلام الاسرائيلى اللى عايز قطع لغلوغه : كيف يرى موضوع القبض على الجاسوس الاسرائيلى

* للتحميل اختار سيرفر واحد فقط *



فيلم وثائقى عن اغرب الكوارث ، اصعب عمليات الانقاذ ، واعمال تتطلب مغامره مستحيله

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

فيلم وثائقى عن اغرب الكوارث ، اصعب عمليات الانقاذ ، واعمال تتطلب مغامره مستحيله

Screen shotS



حصريا// أبليس يسكن فتاة المانية ورحلة عذاب حتى ماتت

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

حصريا// أبليس يسكن فتاة المانية ورحلة عذاب حتى ماتت فى فيلم Exorcism of Emily Rose فيلم امريكى مقتبس من قصة حقيقية

Emily Rose الحقيقية :




صور عن الفيلم :


اضغط على الشريط لمشاهدة الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي 600x397px



اضغط على الشريط لمشاهدة الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي 700x463px

الفيلم 3 اجزاء .. الجزء 95 ميجا على اكثر من سيرفر

part 1


part 2


part 3



لقاء النجمة ذات الصوت الرنان : نسمة محجوب نجمة ستار اكاديمى 8 فى برنامج عين ولقاء صريح جدا

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

لقاء النجمة ذات الصوت الرنان : نسمة محجوب نجمة ستار اكاديمى 8 فى برنامج عين ولقاء صريح جدا

* للتحميل اختار سيرفر واحد فقط *



جمال مبارك و زكريا عزمى اقالوا المشير من منصبه فى بداية الثورة وتم رفض نشر الخبر فى جريدة الاخبار

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

محطة مصر : جمال مبارك و زكريا عزمى اقالوا المشير من منصبه فى بداية الثورة وتم رفض نشر الخبر فى جريدة الاخبار

حقيقة موقف عبداللطيف المناوى

رئيس قطاع الاخبار الاسبق

* للتحميل اختار سيرفر واحد فقط *



لقاء احمد عزت ونسمه طلاب ستار اكاديمى مع ايمى سمير غانم ومعتز الدمرداش ، اجمل دويتو بينهم ومفاجات ستار اكاديمى

ottawa doctor, ottawa tutoring, ottawa plumbing, games , ottaw , movee, soong , news, Laptop Computer,Helpdesk Software,Borrow Money,Yellow Page Advertising,cheapest loans,Email Hosting,Make Money,العاب 2011 , افلام 20, صور2011و حمل , تحميل, احمل و اريد تحميل , ابحث عنو هل يوجد ,تحميل من ,داونلودو اعلى سرعة, سنواتو2011 ,2012 , 2010 , زيادة , جوجل ادسندس ,

 لقاء احمد عزت ونسمه طلاب ستار اكاديمى مع ايمى سمير غانم ومعتز الدمرداش ، اجمل دويتو بينهم ومفاجات ستار اكاديمى

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تحميل اغنيه نانسى عجرم بابا بورتو 2011 اغنيه بابا بورتو

  •  تحميل اغنيه نانسى عجرم بابا بورتو 2011 اغنيه بابا بورتو
  • تحميل اغنيه نانسى عجرم بابا بورتو 2011 اغنيه بابا بورتو
  • 2011, اغنيه, بابا, تجميل, بورتو, عجرم, نانسي
تحميل اغنيه نانسى عجرم بابا بورتو 2011 اغنيه بابا بورتو

اغنيه نانسى عجرم بابا بورتو 2011 اغنيه بابا بورتو
نانسى عجرم :: بابا بورتو






تحميل البوم فريق كايروكى مطلوب زعيم 2011

  •  تحميل البوم فريق كايروكى مطلوب زعيم 2011
  • تحميل البوم فريق كايروكى مطلوب زعيم 2011
  • 2011, مطلوب, البوم, تجميل, شعيل, فريق, كايروكى

تحميل البوم فريق كايروكى مطلوب زعيم 2011

فريق كايروكى - مطلوب زعيم

البوم فريق كايروكى مطلوب زعيم 2011

Amir Eid (Vocals, Guitar)
Sherif Hawary
(Lead Guitar, Vocals)
Tamer Hashem
Ahmed Bahaa
Sherif Mostafa
Adam El Alfy
(Base Guitar)
Track List

01 - Ye3ady El Seef
02 - Sout El Horeya
03 - Matloob Za3eem
04 - Helmy Ana
05 - Masrawy
06 - Elwad Beta3 El Mazica
07 - 3'areb Fi Belad 3'areba
08 - Efred Gena7ak

احدث صور لاميتا فرنجية 2011 صور لاميتا فرنجية علي البحر فى جولة سياحية فى قبرص 2011

  •  احدث صور لاميتا فرنجية 2011 صور لاميتا فرنجية علي البحر فى جولة سياحية فى قبرص 2011
  • احدث صور لاميتا فرنجية 2011 صور لاميتا فرنجية علي البحر فى جولة سياحية فى قبرص 2011
  • 2011, لاميتا, البحر, احدث, جولة, زجاجية, فرنجية, قبرص
احدث صور لاميتا فرنجية 2011 صور لاميتا فرنجية علي البحر فى جولة سياحية فى قبرص 2011

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

احدث لاميتا 
فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص

لاميتا فرنجية 2011 لاميتا فرنجية البحر جولة سياحية قبرص


تحميل البوم منوعات غنيلى من روتانا وموبينيل 2011

  •  تحميل البوم منوعات غنيلى من روتانا وموبينيل 2011
  • تحميل البوم منوعات غنيلى من روتانا وموبينيل 2011
  • 2011, منوعات, البوم, تجميل, روتانا, غنيلي, وموبينيل
تحميل البوم منوعات غنيلى من روتانا وموبينيل 2011

منوعات غنيلى من روتانا وموبينيل


تحميل البوم منوعات غنيلى روتانا وموبينيل 2011

rack List

01 - Amr Diab - Aslaha Bitifreaa
02 - Angham - Habibi Malak
03 - Mohamed Fouad - Saat Bashtak
04 - Fadel Shaker Feat Elissa - Jouwa El Rouh
05 - Kazem ElSaher Feat Asmaa lmenwar - Mahkama
06 - Hussien ElJasmy - Seta El Sobah
07 - Najwa Karam - Khallini Shoufak
08 - Haifa Wehby - Lama El Shams
09 - Fadel Shaker - Nessit Ansak
10 - Assi El Helani - Show Ma Saar
11 - Elissa - Matearafshi Leh
12 - Mohamed Fouad - Khabini
13 - Asala - Nos Hala
14 - Tamer Ashour - Akhir Moabla
15 - Sherine - Katar Khaere


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المشاركات الشائعة




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